Christmas in Dixie

Happy Monday y'all!

Has everyone recovered from their food comas?  This Thanksgiving was really fantastic for me, so I hope it was great for you as well :)

I really got to thinking this week about all that I'm thankful for - and I have a lot this year.  My family is all healthy and happy (if a bit too far away for my liking), and I acquired an amazing new local branch of family this year in my amazing husband's fabulous (and hilarious!) family.  Plus, Jacob and I adopted an adorable puppy this year who is the greatest little bundle of love ever. 

And then there's this business too ...  JARDÍ really is a dream come true for me, and it really wouldn't be much of a business without you amazing folks who keep showing up at events to see us, and buy goodies here on the shop, and read these blog posts!  So thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.  

I'm guessing y'all may have learned also that new blog posts USUALLY mean new products --- and you're totally right this time around too!  We've just launched our Christmas in Dixie 4-pack, and I went all out.

Southern Eggnog: This flavor was a given! White chocolate ganache that tastes just like eggnog in the south should - kinda sweet, kinda spicy, kinda boozy.  A few of these'll getcha ready for family coming into town, for sure.

Peppermint Crunch: Back story: I always make toffee crunch for my immediate family for Christmas.  So this year, bits of toffee crunch found their way into a dark chocolate ganache that's flavored with peppermint. Ohhh yeaa, melty, crunchy, minty goodness.

Spiced Cider:  Growning up in NY, apples always played a huge role in holiday time - my mom makes a KILLER apple pie.  So I played a bit with reducing mulled cider and made a soft caramel that's part bitter caramel, part apple jelly, and all delicious.

Chocolate Orange: Growing up, my siblings and I always had Christmas Eve at my Grandma's house.  It was always a hilarious event.  She was the nicest lady you'd ever want to meet, but had the mouth of a sailor.  She was a great cook, a great listener, and an amazing painter.  As the two "artists" of the family, we had a lot in common.  So Christmas without her is always a bit weird, and this last one's for her.  She adored the 'whack-and-unwrap' milk chocolate oranges (oh god, please don't let that be a copyright infringement!) and this chocolate's silky smooth center tastes just like them. 

I'm pretty stoked with these flavors, so hurry hurry hurry and get a box (or 5!) for the holidays, 'cause they're only here through Christmas!



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1 comment

They all look beautiful. Your commentary of the Chocolate Orange brought tears to my eyes. Your grandmother was my second mother and you brought back beautiful memories for me. Love you.


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