
Our Big Week, pt 4

Hello lovely people!

Got a little riddle for y'all today ... what do these two pictures have in common?  


It's a weird one, I know.  So i'll tell you!  The first pic is my and Jacob's beloved bun Jivara, who passed away last year.  He was the 'husbun' ( I swear I didn't make up that term) and bonded to our other bun, Fernet Branca.  The 2nd pic is Jivara's namesake, Valrhona's fantastic 40% milk chocolate, and one of my absolute favorite chocolates in the world.  

We came to become crazy bunny people due in large part to the amazing work of a shelter in Marietta, GA that is just for bunnies.  Its a little known fact that rabbits are the 3rd most popular companion animal, just after dogs and cats!  Unfortunately, they are also abandoned with alarming regularity.  People think they make great 'starter pets' for kids, and nothing could be further form the truth.  Shortly after Easter, in particular, the Georgia House Rabbit Society sees a huge rise in abandoned rabbits in their shelter due to people realizing that rabbits are a 10 year commitment and very high maintenance.  So we're super excited this year to be a part of GHRS's MAKE MINE CHOCOLATE easter campaign.

These adorable buns are modeled after Jivara (who's ears were usually in weird positions, but never long enough to get a picture) and also made from Jivara milk chocolate!  Each order contains 2 unique bunnies, a head shot and story of an adoptable bun currently in GHRS, and we'll ship them to you FOR FREE the week of March 21st.  And the best part is that a portion of the sales will be donated right back to GHRS.  So do some good this Easter for an animal in need, plus get some freakin' delicious (and obnoxiously cute!) bunnies for your baskets this year!