
Mother's Day, y'all!

Hello lovely people!

I hope you've all had a fabulous April - mine was pretty killer!  We were asked to be involved with the High Museum Wine Auction in a dine-around dinner, and had an absolute blast, and Farmer's Market Season has started!  I'm jazzed that JARDÍ is at a few around the city - Grant Park, Ponce City on the Beltline, and Decatur!  If you're around (they're all on different days), you should drop by and please introduce yourself, we love meeting our customers!

The best part of April, though, is the fabulous weather.  Spring has officially sprung - and as one of my teacher's at school used to say, Gin Season has begun.  But, in my mind, it means that Brunch Cocktail Season has started!  So, of course, we started playing with ways to integrate them into our chocolates - and came up with 4 fun new flavors to celebrate all things spring, and voilà, our Mother's Day box was born!

The four flavors include:

Mimosa: Sparkling wine and orange juice come together in a white chocolate ganache, complete with the champagne fizz!
Mojito: Hand-juiced limes and rum get topped with a fresh mint sauce - tart, sweet, and perfectly refreshing.
Paloma: This lesser-known cocktail is one of our favorites!  A fresh grapefruit and tequila ganache is layered with a tequila caramel.  Olé!
Piña Colada: Milk chocolate and coconut come together in a silky ganache, then we add some pineapple jam.  You'll be singing that Rupert Holmes song all weekend!

And of course they're available in our 4, 8 and 12 piece boxes, so you can decide if you want 1, 2 or 3 pieces of each flavor.

Hope to see you at the markets!

Join the garden club with JARDÍ's Garden Box

Let’s face it: we’re all way too busy these days!  Thankfully in this fabulous age of Amazon one-hour delivery, movie rentals right right from your Apple TV (‘cause no one really has the energy to put on pants to go to all the way to a Red Box, amiright?), there’s also Subscription Boxes. 
So - you get your dog some treats and toys each month, and you get your razors delivered each month, and there's numerous choices for beauty products or prepared meals... now get ready, ‘cause the next best thing to hit your mailbox each month is coming to you May 1st: 

JARDI chocolates presents Garden Box!

Oh yea, we went there.  Each month you can feed your chocolate habit without even thinking about it!  Every monthly box will contain 12-pieces of our fabulous chocolates (which you already love), and a bag of one of our four covered items: Caramel Chocolate Hazelnuts, Milk Chocolate Peanuts, Salty Chocolate Almonds and Milk Chocolate Coffee Beans.

So you’ll always be ready whenever your chocolate-craving strikes.

PLUS you'll become the official taste-testers and trend-setters!  Garden Box subscribers get a sneak peak into the new and exciting treats and flavors coming out of our kitchen with bonus goodies throughout the year.

Is your mouth watering yet?

Each box ships free to you on the first Monday of the month, with the option to add anything to the box the week before, to be INCLUDED in the free shipping!  Just keep an eye on your email for your EXCLUSIVE Garden Box subsrciber's coupon code the last week of the month before.

Now you’re probably wondering, “All this is clearly too good to be true … it’s gotta cost a fortune, right?”  Nope!  Garden Box comes to you for only $33 per month.  That’s a heck of a savings (and for those who like seeing the math laid out like I do):

12-pack of chocolates:               $28

1 bag of our covered items:       $11

+ Medium Shipping:                   $8.50                         


 Which means your Garden Box is a savings of $14.50, and that doesn’t include the bonus goodies throughout the year!

So what are you waiting for?  Sign up today, and be the first one of your friends to experience the luxury of chocolates delivered straight to your door each month.

Our Big Week, pt 4

Hello lovely people!

Got a little riddle for y'all today ... what do these two pictures have in common?  


It's a weird one, I know.  So i'll tell you!  The first pic is my and Jacob's beloved bun Jivara, who passed away last year.  He was the 'husbun' ( I swear I didn't make up that term) and bonded to our other bun, Fernet Branca.  The 2nd pic is Jivara's namesake, Valrhona's fantastic 40% milk chocolate, and one of my absolute favorite chocolates in the world.  

We came to become crazy bunny people due in large part to the amazing work of a shelter in Marietta, GA that is just for bunnies.  Its a little known fact that rabbits are the 3rd most popular companion animal, just after dogs and cats!  Unfortunately, they are also abandoned with alarming regularity.  People think they make great 'starter pets' for kids, and nothing could be further form the truth.  Shortly after Easter, in particular, the Georgia House Rabbit Society sees a huge rise in abandoned rabbits in their shelter due to people realizing that rabbits are a 10 year commitment and very high maintenance.  So we're super excited this year to be a part of GHRS's MAKE MINE CHOCOLATE easter campaign.

These adorable buns are modeled after Jivara (who's ears were usually in weird positions, but never long enough to get a picture) and also made from Jivara milk chocolate!  Each order contains 2 unique bunnies, a head shot and story of an adoptable bun currently in GHRS, and we'll ship them to you FOR FREE the week of March 21st.  And the best part is that a portion of the sales will be donated right back to GHRS.  So do some good this Easter for an animal in need, plus get some freakin' delicious (and obnoxiously cute!) bunnies for your baskets this year!

January 20, 2016


Posted in new products, valentines

Valentines Day Yay! ...maybe

Hello lovely people! 

As I'm sure you're aware (and if you're not, well, I'm not sure what to tell you!) a very big holiday is a-coming!  Valentine's Day is right around the corner and after a brief vacation from work (and 5 seasons of Gilmore Girls later), I'm super happy to be back in creation mode in the kitchen.  I was never (and still not) a huge celebrator of Valentine's Day; it always felt like a contest in high school and college.  But, I do really like the traditional meaning behind the celebration.

The story goes that during the rule of Roman Emperor Claudius, St. Valentine was caught performing catholic marriages.  At that time, Rome wasn't the seat of Christianity as it is today, and doing anything perceived as "helping" catholics was a crime punishable by death.  Even (and possibly especially) in modern society, I can totally get behind celebrating a man who helped fulfill the wish of those truly in love, despite going against the government to do it.  So I'm all for Valentine's Day, just not always in the mushy-mainstream type way.

With that in mind, and after trip down memory lane to hating V-Day in my formative years (I was an awkward kid, big shock! and was often single come February), I had a lot of fun with our first round of 2016 seasonal offerings.

Milk Chocolate & Strawberry: fresh strawberries from last year were retrieved from their frozen hibernation and made into jam, which is then topped with a light and creamy milk chocolate ganache
Caramelized White Chocolate Ganache: White chocolate is slow cooked until all the milk solids turn to a beautiful gold brown dulce-de-leche style deliciousness, and turned into ganache.  No frills, but super addictive.
Blood Orange Caramel
: I love blood oranges and have from the very first time I tasted them.  We found some beautiful ones this winter and added their juice to some slightly bitter, slightly sweet caramel.
Dark Chocolate & Dried Chile Pepper:  We pulverized some amazing dried chili peppers and mixed them  with Valrhona's delicious 66% Caraibe dark chocolate and finished it with a house-made pepper tincture.  There's definitely heat here!  Not for the faint of heart ... but love never is.

And to fulfill all your V-Day needs, we've put together 3 box choices for you to best take advantage of these limited time flavors...

Single And Loving It: Are you a strong independent chocoholic that don't need no one stealing your candy?  This ones for you - 1 of each flavor to savor in any way you choose!
We Can Share: Be cute and share, and you and your special someone can each taste each of the 4 fun flavors, then compare your thoughts! Adorable.
Two For You, One For Me:  AKA, the one Jacob asked for specifically.  Not only do I not share, I sometimes steal other peoples' chocolates. What?  They eat too slow!  And I'm sure there are more like me out there ...  You guessed it, 3 of each flavor.

So there ya have it!  Hop on over and buy your boxes before it's too late!  Be sure to order by 2/10 to guarantee delivery in time for Valentines.

He loves me, even though I don't share my chocolate